Your student’s 5th-grade counselor will remain with them throughout their time at CIS.
The School Counseling Department offers many services to all students. Both fifth and sixth-grade students receive monthly lessons taught during their library period. We teach lessons reinforcing concepts such as managing stress, solving conflicts, coping with peer pressure, preparing for transitions, improving friendship skills, bullying prevention, depression awareness, personal safety, and more.
Students have access to short-term individual counseling as needed during school hours. They may also take advantage of group counseling opportunities, such as: Stress Less, Mindfulness, Study Skills, and Social Skills. Click here to learn more about our small group counseling opportunities. Groups take place during the school day (approximately 30 min. each for 6-8 weeks) but they take place on a rotating schedule so that students do not miss the same class repeatedly.
We also help families obtain services for their children outside of school. Below, you will find some resources that might be helpful.
Please feel free to call or email us at any time if we can be of service to you or your child.
Counseling Resources:Wadsworth City Schools is currently working with several agencies to provide school-based counseling services. This means that your student could potentially access professional counseling services during the school day, right at school. Please click here to learn more about opportunities for school-based therapy or contact us, 330-335-1480Mrs. Bonenfant (abonenfant@wadsworthschools)Mrs. Rohrbach ( |